
Showing posts from April, 2019

Gluteal Tedinopathy : The Most Common Hip Tendonitis

Hip pain is a persistent complaint that can be caused by a broad variety of problems but once the precise position of the hip pain is known it can give valuable clues about the underlying problem. Intricacies within the hip joint itself tend to end in pain towards the inside of hip or genital region whereas when the pain originates outside of the hip & upper thigh then it is induced by problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues that envelope the hip joint. Pain discovered on the outside of the hip might also flow down the outside of the leg and is a fairly general condition that communicates peoples floundering to the physiotherapist’s department for treatment. Female over 40 are at a slightly much higher risk. The history reveals that the pain, and tenderness over the side hip were frequently diagnosed as bursitis or more particularly trochanteric bursitis. After so much of studies and research work we now know that there is occasio

Getting back on track with Best Sports Injury Treatment in Delhi

A sports injury is a normal injury that happens to an athlete while playing any game. If we categorize the types of injuries, it is mainly of two types: overuse injuries and acute traumatic injuries. The injury is prompted by too much use of a specific area of the body resulting from the recurring activity. Contrary to overuse injuries which happen over a period of time, acute traumatic injuries, on the other hand, is just the result of one blow or impact to the body. Strains, fractures, and lacerations are several types of acute traumatic injury, encountered by players engaging in rough or contact sports (e.g. basketball, football, rugby). Managing Sports Injuries Whether it's a major or a minor injury, a sports injury can still be a drawback to an athlete. An athlete suffering from a sports-related injury, mild or intense, has to get sports injury treatment immediately if he wants to return back to his game immediately. So, how should sports injuries be dealt? Visi

Joint Replacement Surgery ensuring 100% Quick Recovery

Complexities related to the joints particularly the hip, shoulder and the knee have increased manifold in the recent years. While some trait the growing number of orthopedic related patients to the sedentary lifestyle, others attribute this to unhealthy eating habits and overall pollution and other man-made reasons. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the major reasons behind most of the problems of the joints. Doctors initially suggest medicines, physiotherapy, and exercises for curing the pain and even immobility caused due to the stiffened or inflamed joints. However, as the problem becomes severe and medicines and exercises have no proven effect, then surgery continues the only option to tackle the damaged joint, whether it is the shoulder, hip or knee. Ortho International is a leading standard clinic that generally offers the best infrastructure with respect to medical care, and does not negotiate on the quality of health care offered. Whether patients turn in for bila

Vertebral Compression Fracture The Aging Fact

Osteoporosis also termed the bone-thinning disease and is believed to strike over 25 million individuals every year and almost 80 percent of people with osteoporosis are women who are aged over 65 years. The stats also reveal that osteoporosis is also responsible for one and a half million fractures each year. What is a Compression Fracture? Both osteoporosis and a low bone mass are specific conditions which raise your probabilities of generating a compression fracture by substantial value. It’s true that vertebral compression fractures (VCF) are extremely prevalent in patients with osteoporosis and is seen to influence the female population that too postmenopausal women but the rate and predominance of Vertebral Compression fracture normally increase as patients age. The recent studies reveal that a huge number i.e. 40% of women age 80 and older generally experience compression fractures. Though the condition is far more popular in women, it nonetheless pro

Keeping You Fit with Best Hamstring Injury Treatment

By far, the most common injuries are sprains and strains when it comes to any types of sport. As per survey conducted at Chandigarh PGI out of 465 athletes who presented to us with sports-related injuries over a span of 5-year period, 363 athletes (from 24 different sports) with complete records were identified with basic sports injuries. Sports injuries are frequent injuries among players. In addition to that, it is caused because of overuse, direct impact, or the application of force. One of such injuries is a Hamstring injury which causes sudden strain and tears to the tendons or muscles. The 3 grades of hamstring injury are- Grade 1: Mild muscle pull or strain, Grade 2: Partial muscle tear, Grade 3: Complete muscle tear The period of time it demands to recover from a hamstring strain or tear will depend on how critical the injury is. A minor muscle pull or strain or grade 1 may take a few days to heal, while it could take weeks or months to recover from a muscle tear or grade 2

Vitamin D Sufficing The Need Of Healthy Bones & Fitness In Athletes

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with several diseases like breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease, weight gain and other maladies but if we try to manage the vitamin D levels, we could reduce these risk factors. The role of vitamin D is not only related to help calcium build strong bones but even regulate the immune system and the neuromuscular system. Vitamin D is an indispensable nutrient for calcium homeostasis and the composition of hundreds of genes. Adequate serum levels of vitamin D are needed, not only for proper bone mineralization but for a host of other circumstances in musculoskeletal system formation and role. Though there is a wide variety of vitamin D sources, either manufactured in response to natural sunlight or consumed in one of many formulations, such as pills, splashes, liquids and even chocolates, maximum of the people is still lacking vitamin D. Among other episodes, this deficiency can be correlated to geography areas wit

The Significance Of Bones Muscles And Joints In Our Skeleton System

Our body comprises of different organs and group of such organs form an organ system. All these organ systems their own piece of activity and accountability still they work in proper coordination and don't let any problem arise. Just like the organs play an important role in our body, there are bones which play an important role in our body. The reason is that our whole body is made up of the structure of bones. Our entire body stands on the structure of bones, joints, and muscles. It would have been impossible for our body to stand or sit and our body won't have been flexible if all the three elements i.e. bones, muscles, and joint were absent. Joint serves a very important role along with the bones. Just like a series of bone structure helps in establishing our skeletal structure in the same way the joint is the part which is in between two bones. It is with the help of joints that we are able to have such a flexible body otherwise it was next to impossible. With the hel