Vitamin D Sufficing The Need Of Healthy Bones & Fitness In Athletes

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with several diseases like breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease, weight gain and other maladies but if we try to manage the vitamin D levels, we could reduce these risk factors. The role of vitamin D is not only related to help calcium build strong bones but even regulate the immune system and the neuromuscular system.
Vitamin D is an indispensable nutrient for calcium homeostasis and the composition of hundreds of genes. Adequate serum levels of vitamin D are needed, not only for proper bone mineralization but for a host of other circumstances in musculoskeletal system formation and role.
Though there is a wide variety of vitamin D sources, either manufactured in response to natural sunlight or consumed in one of many formulations, such as pills, splashes, liquids and even chocolates, maximum of the people is still lacking vitamin D.
Among other episodes, this deficiency can be correlated to geography areas with less sunlight and direct UVB rays, lifestyle and spending a lot of time indoors, diet, and heredity factor. It’s quite true that Vitamin D deficiency can influence anyone, it is worth examining how a climatic deficiency can reshape athletes, as the demands on their musculoskeletal operation are much higher.

Required Concentration of Vitamin D

Past studies have revealed that 30 ng/ml is the starting value of serum vitamin D concentration to support proper mineralization of non-mineralized bone matrix. Once the Vitamin D concentrations are found above 40 mg/ml it shows a shielding effect towards stress injuries. Some studies have hypothesized that levels above 50 ng/ml were needed for optimal real performance.
By bringing the levels of vitamin D, up to 50 ng/mL, you can be assured that there is reduced inflammation, pain, and myopathy and ultimately enhancing muscle protein synthesis, adenosine triphosphate concentration, intensity, jump height, jump velocity/power, exercise capacity, and physical accomplishment.

Vitamin D & Type IIA muscles

There are endless reasons why vitamin D could be so crucial to attaining maximal physical performance. One of the more alluring reasons is that it immediately affects the Type IIA muscle cells. Type II muscles or fast-twitch muscle tissues are used for critical physical activity, such as lifting weights and running. These fibers also shrink with aging and underuse, particularly in bigger muscle groups such as the upper legs and back. This circumstance makes an even more compelling case for vitamin D supplementation, particularly in athletes and aging individuals.

Vitamin D Consumption and Athletes

Being a secosteroid Vitamin D with an endocrine mechanism of action is sequentially synthesized in humans in the skin, liver, and kidneys. The active hormone, 1alpha,25-dihydrocholecalciferol [1,25(OH)2D3], is often considered only in terms of its role in controlling calcium and phosphorus homeostasis.
When talking particularly of the athletic population, the probability of over treatment reveals also more of an interest, as professional athletes try to make certain that their bodies are functioning at peak form.
Extremely motivated athletes could easily find themselves over supplemented in an attempt to maximize the profits of vitamin D. Side effects of vitamin D overdose, mostly related to hypercalcemia, combines soft muscle calcification, which is particularly painful in the heart, kidneys, and bowels. In these circumstances, blood pressure dysregulation, electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, constipation, and arteriolar hardening may occur.


Keep up with your fitness level and if you are lacking Vitamin D, you might end up with Vitamin D deficient disease. Get the best Total Joint Aarthroscopy treatment in Delhi from Dr. Abhishek Kumar Mishra an internationally trained and experienced senior orthopedic and joint replacement surgeon in Delhi having 15 years of rich scientific experience and can help you get stronger bones.

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