The Significance Of Bones Muscles And Joints In Our Skeleton System

Our body comprises of different organs and group of such organs form an organ system. All these organ systems their own piece of activity and accountability still they work in proper coordination and don't let any problem arise. Just like the organs play an important role in our body, there are bones which play an important role in our body. The reason is that our whole body is made up of the structure of bones. Our entire body stands on the structure of bones, joints, and muscles.

It would have been impossible for our body to stand or sit and our body won't have been flexible if all the three elements i.e. bones, muscles, and joint were absent. Joint serves a very important role along with the bones. Just like a series of bone structure helps in establishing our skeletal structure in the same way the joint is the part which is in between two bones. It is with the help of joints that we are able to have such a flexible body otherwise it was next to impossible.

With the help of joints, we are able to stand and sit and without the help of joints we won't have such a moving body, we won't have been able to sit, stand, and sleep with ease. On several instances, people suffer from bones and joints problem.

Talking further about bones, on several occasion people who have met with an accident or while playing any game hurt their bones and joints; it even happens that in old age your bones become week and your joint also get spoil.

 Hence you need an orthopedic doctor in Delhi, who can help you out with a bone-related problem. The orthopedic doctor in Delhi has expertise in diagnosing and treating any kind of bone-related problem and ailment. The orthopedic surgeon in Delhi can help you out if you want to get yourself operated with the problem of bone.

If we start talking about various organ system of the body such as respiratory system, reproductive system, excretory system, nervous system, immunity system, circulatory system, digestive system, endocrine system, integumentary system, lymphatic system, urinary system, skeletal and muscular system all these organ systems play an important role in our body and v   is very important that we take proper care of their proper functioning. But right now we are talking about the skeletal system and the muscular system. We all know that our body is made up of bones; bones are the basic structure of our body. Our whole skeletal system is made up of thousands of bones and numbers of joints with the muscles and skin. Inside this skeletal and muscular system resides our heart and brain and other different organ systems.

Bones have the basic function to provide support, movement, protection, blood cell production etc. The bone plays a very important role in protection like it protects various vital organs such as the skull protects the brain, eye, middle and inner ear; the vertebrae protect the spinal cord; the rib cage, spine, and sternum protects the lungs, heart and major blood vessels; the clavicle and scapula protect the shoulder; the ileum and spine protect the digestive and urogenital systems and the hip; the patella and the ulna protect the knee and the elbow respectively and the carpals and tarsal's protect the wrist and ankle respectively.

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After knowing all this it becomes quite clear that we should take proper care of our bones and that can be taken care by Dr. Abhishek Kumar Mishra, who can treat any kind of bone-related problem and ailment. The orthopedic surgeon in Delhi is specialized in diagnosing and treatment of your skeletal system.


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