
Showing posts from March, 2019

Rehab Physiotherapy: Helping You Catch Up with day to day Life Activities

The success of any orthopedic surgery doesn’t end once you leave the operation theatre. Gone are the days when post surgery it was all left on to the patient and family members to help him get back to resume his day to day physical activity. It was literally a big challenge for the patient to stand back again was almost on his own. But with time and advancing medical technology many new procedures have been introduced to enhance recovery process of any individual. Thanks to the Post-operative rehab procedure which is now an integral process to optimise recovery and there are various dedicated Physiotherapists across the globe and in India who are qualified to assess and manage this recovery process from day one. The initial role of Rehab Physiotherapy is to reduce pain, swelling, inflammation and is usually undertaken and is supervised by most of the physiotherapist and ortho surgeon to get you totally fit & to help you perform day to day activities. When an or

Helping You Recover from Lumbar Replacement Surgery With Ease

Do you feel pain in your low back? Have you ever consulted a doctor? No! you have clicked the right link! Here you will be guided through the Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Delhi for spinal injuries and further treatment. Normally the lower back pain or lumbar pain is treated by replacement, in case analgesics and other methods stop responding.   Let us learn more about lumbar disk replacement surgery. Disk Lumbar Replacement:  The spinal cord is made up of minute bones known as vertebrae that are stacked upon each other. Disks act like a cushion in between the vertebrae, easing the movement of the spine, without the bones rubbing against each other. The lumbar vertebrae are the last miniature bone found at the bottom of your spine. Also, Lumbar disk is found very close to lumbar vertebrae and helps in of replacement of a worn or degenerated disk in the lower part of your spine with a prosthetic disk is made of metal or a combination of metal and plastic. Getting ready for lumbar disk

Fighting Obesity To Prevent Degenerative Abnormalities

  Even as India fights malnutrition, the nation has generated another nutritional problem and if you are still thinking about it, It’s about the growing obesity occurrence. With fast food outlets becoming a trend, the last ten years has seen a massive increase in obese people across the country, according to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4). As per studies and research work conducted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), people having Body Mass Index (BMI) more than 25 kilograms per meter square are considered as obese. What is Total Joint Arthroplasty? Arthroplasty is a surgical method to revive the function of a joint. The joints can be restored by resurfacing the bones and in many cases, artificial joint called prosthesis may also be used. How Total Joint Arthroplasty, Obesity & Osteoarthritis are inter-related? If you are undergoing total joint arthroplasty (TJA) and are obese you are at a higher risk of complications in general,

Shoulder Joint Replacement: Procedure and Post-operative Care

Shoulder replacement surgery is not as common as hip or knee replacement surgery but it is just as effective in relieving joint pain as replacement surgeries for the knee, hip or elbow joints. It is very rare that a person might have to go through a shoulder replacement. So, it gets necessary for all to find the Best Joint replacement surgeon in Delhi Arthroplasty of Shoulder: It is a procedure in which all or damaged part of the joint is replaced with artificial components, called prosthesis or in other words, shoulder arthroplasty. It works well for many patients who have painful arthritis in their shoulder or who have had their Glenohumeral ligament damaged or worn away due to injury. Glenohumeral is the most movable joint in the human body, hence gets on most occasion frequently dislocated. It causes acute pain and stiffness in the shoulder and affects the range of joint motion and the ability to do everyday work. Surgical Procedure: The surgeon removes the damaged ball and

Enhanced Bone Density with Physical Activity

Most of us grew as a fat kid and want to grow as a well-fashioned grown adult. It’s true everything incites out as a dream or for some a long series of wishful thinking. Resembling at bodybuilders and professional athletes, one would start fantasizing of a body packed with tight abs, muscular arms, legs and broad back. This may be done to influence girls or demand honor but the end result is that you are profited. Men who want to stay fit and look good often follow a strict regime but unknowingly they are adding true colors to their health in the long run. With a planned workout program under expert guidance and continuously engaged in high-impact activities, such as jogging and tennis, during adolescence and young adulthood in later years of life promises high building bone mass. There is definitely a connection between bone loading exercise during adolescence as the skeleton is still growing. The most important take away is that if you are healthy it is ne

Shaping The Sports Industry With Adequate Sports Care Facilities

Looking into the stats about Sports injuries, sports related wounds are more obvious in younger adults and children and it has been found that more than 3.5 million children and teens are injured as part of organized sports or physical activity each year. One of the leading and medically advanced nation United States medical studies conducted in 2016 reveals that more than 8.6 million people, aged between 5 to 24, were reported to have a sports injury.  Being an active and developing stage the researchers have found that males aged between5 to 24 make up more than half of all sports injury episodes. Hand and leg related injury were found up to 30.3 percent whereas the head and neck injuries combine for 16.4 percent of sports injuries. Sports injuries are one of the most frequent and risky episodes in life and it's all because of different types of sports injuries: Ankle Sprain: Ligaments that support the ankle can stretch due to certain stress, resulting in an ankle sprain