Enhanced Bone Density with Physical Activity

Most of us grew as a fat kid and want to grow as a well-fashioned grown adult. It’s true everything incites out as a dream or for some a long series of wishful thinking. Resembling at bodybuilders and professional athletes, one would start fantasizing of a body packed with tight abs, muscular arms, legs and broad back. This may be done to influence girls or demand honor but the end result is that you are profited. Men who want to stay fit and look good often follow a strict regime but unknowingly they are adding true colors to their health in the long run.
With a planned workout program under expert guidance and continuously engaged in high-impact activities, such as jogging and tennis, during adolescence and young adulthood in later years of life promises high building bone mass.
There is definitely a connection between bone loading exercise during adolescence as the skeleton is still growing. The most important take away is that if you are healthy it is never too late to begin high impact activities which promises improved bone mineral density.

Understanding Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis happens when bone density decreases and is generally seen in aging patients and female who have just passed their menopausal stage. Osteoporosis, or thinning bones, can end in sharp fractures which might have originated due to smoking and poor diet, low body weight, low sex hormones etc.
In patients suffering from osteoporosis x ray based scan called DEXA is suggested. The treatment includes drugs which can prevent slow bone loss, dietary addition of extra calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Medication especially glucocorticoids, corticosteroids, including prednisone and prednisolone, thyroid hormone, anticoagulants, and blood-thinners, including heparin and warfarin adversely affect the mineral status.
To outgrow from such critical situation of osteoporosis Exercise is one such key method away that can help you revive from bone related disorder with span with ease.

Exercises For bone growth

These types of exercise which has largest impact on Bone Mass density
  • Exercise exerting amount of a muscle strain: Exercises that fit into this order include weightlifting and gymnastics because of the quantity of force placed on muscles and bones.
  • The rate of muscle strain an exercise exerts: This symbolizes the activity by which repeated, high-impact exercises, such as tennis or plyometrics, are delivered.
  • The incidence when muscle tensions happen: Running or jogging is the best pattern as this impression on muscles is not only constant but continues for a long period of time.
  • When Jumping and Running exercise were compared, there has been a significant contribution in empowering BMD, it was far less than that seen with jumping. This signifies that jumping should be joined into any training program, including low-impact activities like cycling, swimming, and running.

Understanding How exercise improves Bone Mass Growth

Exercise-Induced hormone activates cells that are critical for bone restoration. It is believed that on doing exercise, irisin, an exercise hormone impacts protein sclerost a major cellular regulator of bone structure in humans. Irisin works directly on osteocytes and helps in bone strengthening, calories burning and improved cognition.


Bone density tests are termed as bone mineral density tests or BMD tests which checks how strong the bones are and at Dr Abhishek Mishra Orthopedic clinic has all the facilities which can keep a check of BMD. The decision can help your doctor know how you can treat or prevent bone loss and fractures.

Content Source: https://www.drabhishekortho.com/blog/enhanced-bone-density-with-physical-activity/


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