Helping You Recover from Lumbar Replacement Surgery With Ease

Do you feel pain in your low back? Have you ever consulted a doctor? No! you have clicked the right link! Here you will be guided through the Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Delhi for spinal injuries and further treatment. Normally the lower back pain or lumbar pain is treated by replacement, in case analgesics and other methods stop responding.   Let us learn more about lumbar disk replacement surgery.

Disk Lumbar Replacement: 

The spinal cord is made up of minute bones known as vertebrae that are stacked upon each other. Disks act like a cushion in between the vertebrae, easing the movement of the spine, without the bones rubbing against each other. The lumbar vertebrae are the last miniature bone found at the bottom of your spine. Also, Lumbar disk is found very close to lumbar vertebrae and helps in of replacement of a worn or degenerated disk in the lower part of your spine with a prosthetic disk is made of metal or a combination of metal and plastic.

Getting ready for lumbar disk replacement surgery

Physical examination and medical history are important and then the doctor identifies the true nature and extent of your back pain and spinal damage. You must quit or stop smoking for a while for getting ready for spine surgery. Remember to inform the doctor about over-the-counter medications if you are taking. Some might be an antagonist to surgical procedures or medicines which are provided during surgery.

You should not eat or drink anything for several hours before the surgery and will have to stay in the hospital for a few days. For short while, you will have to restrict yourself to bathing, dressing, cleaning, and shopping, etc.

During On-Going Lumbar Replacement Surgery:

An IV line is put into the vein through which anesthesia is given. And a team of surgeons (usually a vascular surgeon and an orthopedic or neurosurgeon) will do the procedure together. An incision is made in your abdomen, moving organs and blood vessels aside to allow access to your spine.The surgeon will remove the worn-out disk and will replace it with a prosthetic one. And then the organs will be replaced back and the incision will be stitched.
The patient will be kept under observation until caution is gained and made to stay at the hospital for a few days. Medications and other precautionary measures will be provided once the patient is discharged.

Post Lumbar Surgery Replacement: 

The hospital stay is quite limited because a lumbar disk replacement doesn’t require bone to heal, the recovery period may be faster when compared with other back surgeries. Medications will be provided along with the physiotherapy to enable the patient to walk within the first day after surgery.

Resource Box:

Dr. Abhishek Kumar Mishra is one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Delhi. He is a senior consultant and has an expert hand in spine surgeries, knee replacement surgeries, and other orthopedic surgeries. Anyone at any age group can consult Dr. Mishra for the best treatment.


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