Justifying Patients Need With Advanced Knee Replacement Surgery
Starting from small innovations like adhesive bandages to the most complex technologies like robotic prosthetic limbs and computer navigated, technology has undoubtedly made an incredible impact on the treatment of Advanced Knee replacement surgery.
In today’s world, technology plays an important role in every industry and it has also shown remarkable improvement in Joint replacement procedure where with the advent of the Computer navigation system, a Joint replacement surgeon can make desired changes to be made in bone, ligament balancing and exact placement of the implant. The advanced minimally invasive procedure is one such example of technology advancement which allows easy monitoring by the surgeon wherein he can see in the computer the preoperative 3D image of the anatomy of the knee.
Surgical advances have now made knee replacement surgeries very safe. One can plan the line of treatment but the one thing which we have not able to make an impact on is conquering aging. With aging, the body acquires different problems that need to be managed from time to time.
Understanding the Knee Joint & different Knee conditions
The knee joint connects the femur and tibia and comprises three compartments the medial, lateral, and patellofemoral compartments. It is strengthened by a number of ligaments and muscles, which provide stability to the joint.
The knee area is prone to consistent injury from our childhood days and they grow weaker as we get old. With age, if your diet and lifestyle is not proper you have higher chances to get joint related issues like a pain in your knees and might also develop Knee Arthritis. Knee osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and often affects the knees because of aging wear and tear of cartilages.
Knee effusion is another common condition where the fluid builds inside the knee causing inflammation and Gout arthritis wherein the joint develop uric acid crystal deposition in the knees are some common disorders seen in the knee area.
Different types of arthritis may affect the knee joint starting from Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease wherein there is a breakdown of joint cartilage and adjacent bone in the knees. Rheumatoid arthritis is another very common Joint problem where there is extreme inflammation of the synovial membrane and resulting in an excessive synovial fluid. This may ultimately lead to pain and stiffness.
Traumatic arthritis may also cause damage to the cartilage of the knee and this mostly occurs due to circumstances such as accidents or even injuries which is of quite severe nature and might harm the structures ultimately leading to knee replacement surgery. Even those who are sports lover and are exceptionally dynamic in sports may also meet with outcomes which result in damaged tendons or ligament that may require surgery. With advancement in Knee surgical procedures, the recovery times are much faster now and you can get the desired treatment you are looking for.
Do you need a Knee replacement?
Knee replacement surgery is only considered if you have severe pain and serious movement difficulties, or your arthritis isn’t responding to other measures. The surgery works out best for patients whose joint surface has worn right down to the bone. The orthopedic surgeon would be the right person to notify on the surgical options and the possible pros and cons of having or delaying surgery. He will always look out at the facts like your age, health, and level of activity before taking any decision in regards to surgery.
How to delay Joint Replacement Surgery?
Some of the most simple steps which can help you avoid knee replacement surgery include losing weight, guarding against injury, trying anti-inflammatory, using assistive devices etc. You can also get into a physical therapy where you will be taught exercises to relieve your joint pain and will also help your muscles regain back the strength required.
Don’t stress your Joints and start enjoying a healthy lifestyle. In case you or anyone in your niche is experiencing knee pain due to aging factor or has met with an injury, Dr. Abhishek Mishra an expert Orthopedician can provide you with the best possible care you deserve.
At EVA Hospital, we are providing the best Knee Replacement in Ludhiana using the latest techniques at very reasonable rates. Visit the link for more details.